Which drum heads show off the best attributes of a Yamaha Stage Custom? (2025)


Archnemesis of Larryace
  • Jan 5, 2023
  • #1

I just picked up a Yamaha Stage Custom in a 10/12/16/22 configuration. I’ve tried putting a few different heads on each of the toms, to see what they can do. Lo and behold, they project with uncoated single ply heads, sound warmer with coated single ply heads, sound more tubby with uncoated double ply heads, and sound boomy and (kinda) warmer with coated double ply heads.

I’m wondering which heads YOU think bring out the best qualities of this particular make/model of kit, and what ARE those qualities? Let’s hear about them! I know a bunch of y’all have these kits, or at least have really strong opinions about them… Which drum heads show off the best attributes of a Yamaha Stage Custom? (2)


Archnemesis of Larryace
  • Jan 5, 2023
  • #2

Oh, and bass drum, too…thanks!


Diamond Member
  • Jan 5, 2023
  • #3

saves the most $
I bought a 5x12 for aux snare left it stock


Platinum Member
  • Jan 5, 2023
  • #4

caddywumpus said:

I just picked up a Yamaha Stage Custom in a 10/12/16/22 configuration.....

New birch version, previous birch version, or earlier than that? The earlier ones used different wood, and other differences.


Archnemesis of Larryace
  • Jan 5, 2023
  • #5

All-birch shells, 10 years old—got it used, so the stock heads aren’t an option, although I *do* have some unused Yamaha batters in the stack somewhere. They’re clear and single ply, so I imagine they’re just like the clear ambassadors I threw on there.

I’m looking for which heads give you most of the, “Oh yeah, that’s the most a Yamaha Stage Custom can possibly sound like a Yamaha Stage Custom” vibe. I have my personal preference about how a drum set should sound, but every drum set sounds different, and that’s not what I’m looking for here. I hope that makes sense.

Which attributes do the Stage Customs do best, and which heads show off those attributes?


Platinum Member
  • Jan 5, 2023
  • #6

The previous version (like yours) had thinner shells and sharper edges. Lots of people liked Pinstripes on those.
I used coated Emperors, but I think any two ply would help cut down the overtones.
Single ply with lots of sustain is popular here, and might work for you.

The current version has thicker shells, a slight external rounded over edge (which I rounded more Which drum heads show off the best attributes of a Yamaha Stage Custom? (8)),
and a not-as-sharp (a little wider) edge which sits a bit further in from the shell.
I'm using coated Ambassadors on those and like the sound.

I'd say the adjective I'd use to describe the version you have is bright and punchy.
The version I have now is a bit warmer.

I'm using the stock bass drum head as long as it lasts, but I have an Emad waiting in the wings.

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New Member
  • Jan 6, 2023
  • #7

jda said:

saves the most $
I bought a 5x12 for aux snare left it stock

For that Honk? One dimensional sound. it's ok I'll let myself out/..


Diamond Member
  • Jan 6, 2023
  • #8

sounds good to me
(the drum that is)
it's a 5x12 popcornside snare why would I spend a dime on it and not trust Yamaha to put a decent head on it. And it is decent. Top and Bottom. Thanks
ps honk? it doesn't honk it's a popcorn snare It crackles simmers and Pops
I'll add some butter and record it for you later.

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New Member
  • Jan 6, 2023
  • #9



Diamond Member
  • Jan 6, 2023
  • #10

I shouldn't have butted in. I only own a tiny SC snare not a full set of toms and bass. never played one. Don't know what heads they need. Carry on,



New Member
  • Jan 6, 2023
  • #11

Funny That!


Well-known Member
  • Jan 6, 2023
  • #12

On my two SC Birch kits (newer, all birch shells) I use clear Ambassadors for the reso and clear Pinstripes on the batter. Having said that, I'm planning on going back to coated ambassadors on the batter for the warmth. Occasionally depending on the stage area / venue the Ambassadors may have a bit too much overtone for me, so I'll throw a small piece of gaff tape on them. For the bass drum I put Evans EMAD2 on the batter and EMAD (black) for the reso. Yes Which drum heads show off the best attributes of a Yamaha Stage Custom? (12) I realize I've committed the sin of mixing brands of drumheads on one kit. Many of the places I play are small so the kit is not mic'd (occasionally we'll mic the kick). I really like the smoother attack from coated heads. That softer (less plastic-y sounding?) attack is mainly for me in the drummer's chair - since the kit is not mic'd I don't think anyone on the audience side of the kit really hears that difference.


Senior Member
  • Jan 6, 2023
  • #13

I've always been a coated heads kinda guy, but have more recently switched to smooth white emperors. That said, I used to rehearse with a previous band at a studio with a Stage Custom Birch kit (the more recent ones with Absolute lugs). It had clear pinstripes and sounded very good with those. That might be the one to try, but I really love the sound of smooth white emperors. While I haven't tried those on a Stage Custom Birch, I'm sure they would sound as good (if not better) than the pinstripes.


Platinum Member
  • Jan 6, 2023
  • #14

JoeVermont said:

Yes Which drum heads show off the best attributes of a Yamaha Stage Custom? (15) I realize I've committed the sin of mixing brands of drumheads on one kit.

I run an Aquarian batter over an Evans reso on all my toms but the 16FT, it has the OE Premier supersonic heads on it.


Diamond Member
  • Jan 6, 2023
  • #15

at least (mixing heads etc) you can't be duplicated :


Platinum Member
  • Jan 6, 2023
  • #16

1st Gen All Birch is what I have. I use clear Ambassador reso, and a few different batter heads. Either clear CS Black Dot or clear Pinstripe (covers the rock side of things) or clear or coated P3's batter (for a more fusion/funk thang).

For the bass drum, my go to is either P3's both ends, or a single ply (Ambassador/Logo head) reso, and a SKI/II reso. (or EMAD).

Factory heads are just standard UT type heads ...... and other than a Logo head, I don't use them.


Diamond Member
  • Jan 6, 2023
  • #17


Well-known Member
  • Jan 6, 2023
  • #18

I have brand new with the stock heads on and they sound great and resonate after I installed the Gibraltar RIMS on the 12 and 13. I’m looking to upgrade Tom heads as well. I have 10,12,13,14,16. Probably go with the pinstripe pack for $50 to start


Diamond Member
  • Jan 6, 2023
  • #19

I don't own a Stage Custom, but have played several. The one I've played most frequently is the newer version, because it has fairly thick shells. The owner of that kit uses clear Evans heads, G2s over G1s. Sizes are 10, 12, 14, and 20. He has them tuned low and punchy, and and they have a nice warm, fat sound. He uses an EMAD and a ported reso on the BD. I find the BD to be a little more slack and dead than I prefer, but that's just a matter of taste.


Senior Member
  • Jan 6, 2023
  • #20

Coated G2’s over clear G1’s and EMAD on bass.

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Which drum heads show off the best attributes of a Yamaha Stage Custom? (2025)
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