Warhammer 40,000: Darktide - Psyker Class Guide (2025)

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  • Perils Of The Warp

  • Psyker Psykinetic Blitzes

  • Psyker Psykinetic Auras

  • Psyker Psykinetic Abilities

  • Psyker Psykinetic Keystones

  • Psyker Psykinetic Strategies And Tips

Psykers are an iconic part of the Warhammer 40,000 universe, so it's no surprise that they're playable in Darktide. Playing as a Psyker Psykinetic gives you access to the sorcerous powers of the Warp, with all the power and peril that such gifts entail. While you'll never lack for ammunition, overusing your power can lead to an untimely end.

Related: Warhammer 40,000: Darktide - Veteran Marksman Class Guide

Like the Marksman, Psykers excel at range. Their ability to deal heavy damage to single targets make them perfect for quickly finishing off Elites, but their long charge times and need for cooldowns means that they require protection.

Updated on October 17, 2023 by Matt Arnold: Darktide received a huge patch this fall, including a complete overhaul of all four classes. We've updated this guide to give you an at-a-glance breakdown of all the Psyker's new abilities so that you can plan your perfect build.

Perils Of The Warp

Warhammer 40,000: Darktide - Psyker Class Guide (1)

Psykers can use normal weapons, but these are secondary to their fearsome Warp magic. Their class abilities are centered around managing this frightening power. Whenever you use one of your psychic attacks, you'll gain Peril. Your current Peril can be seen in the center of the screen, so always keep an eye on it!

Peril degrades over time, and you can speed the process by holding the Reload button with your psychic power equipped. If Peril ever reaches one hundred percent and you try to use another psychic power, you'll unleahs a blast of energy that heavily damages everything nearby, including yourself and your teammates.

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Psyker Psykinetic Blitzes

Warhammer 40,000: Darktide - Psyker Class Guide (2)

Your main attack will be your Blitz, which by default is Brain Burst. Brain Burst takes a while to charge but deals massive damage to a single enemy. It's usually enough to instantly kill all but the most powerful foes, and ignores armor. Early in your character's career, you'll be able to exchange Brain Burst for one of the following advanced Blitzes:



Available Upgrades

Brain Rupture

  • Enhanced version of Brain Burst, deals fifty percent more damage.
  • Using your Combat Ability (see below) gives a temporary charge speed and Peril reduction to Brain Rupture.
  • As long as you aren't at maximum Peril, your attacks all have a chance to trigger Brain Rupture.


  • Shoots bolts of lightning with high Impact, staggering multiple foes at once.
  • Increase the number of targets hit.
  • Enemies hit take more damage from attacks.


  • Fires homing projectiles, best against unarmored foes.
  • Projectiles pierce foes and seek new targets.
  • Faster cooldown.

Psyker Psykinetic Auras

Warhammer 40,000: Darktide - Psyker Class Guide (3)

The Psyker's basic Aura, The Quickening, reduces the cooldown on Abilities for all allies in Coherency. It can be upgraded to one of the following:



Seer's Presence

Increases the cooldown reduction of The Quickening.

Kinetic Presence

The Psyker and allies in Coherency deal additional damage to Elites and Specialists.


The Psyker and allies in Coherency gain increased critical hit chance.

Psyker Psykinetic Abilities

Warhammer 40,000: Darktide - Psyker Class Guide (4)

The Psyker's basic Combat Ability, Psykinetic Wrath, generates a blast of psionic energy that staggers foes in a wide arc in front of them. As you gain Talent Points, you can evolve this power into one of the following:



Available Upgrades

Venting Shriek

  • Works the same way as Psykinetic Wrath, but removes 50 Peril upon use.
  • Slower Peril growth for each enemy hit with the blast.
  • Choose one:
    • Deals damage that increases based on current Peril.
    • Applies Soulblaze to targets proportional to current Peril.

Telekine Shield

  • Creates a barrier in front of you that blocks enemy ranged attacks, but you and your allies can shoot through it.
  • Choose one group:
    • Stun enemies that touch the shield.
    • Extra charge.
  • OR
    • Shield protects from the side and rear, and lasts longer.
    • Allies inside the shield regain Toughness faster.

Scrier's Gaze

  • Self-buff that boosts damage and crit chance but causes Peril to steadily increase.
  • Damage boost increases with Peril.
  • Killing enemies while in Scrier's Gaze reduces Peril.
  • Add movement speed buff.
  • Choose one:
    • Add Finesse damage buff.
    • Slower Peril growth.
  • Add Toughness damage reduction.

Psyker Psykinetic Keystones

Warhammer 40,000: Darktide - Psyker Class Guide (5)

Unlocking one of these ultimate abilities will give your Psyker a fighting chance on the game's hardest missions. Remember that you can only choose one!



Available Upgrades

Warp Siphon

  • Generates Warp Charges each time you kill an Elite or Specialist.
  • Warp Charges reduce the cooldown of your Combat Ability.
  • Choose one:
    • Reduced Peril growth per Warp Charge.
    • Regain Toughness whenever you gain a Warp Charge.
  • Deal additional damage per Warp Charge.
  • Choose one:
    • Killing a Soulblazed enemy has a chance to grant a Warp Charge.
    • All kills by you and allies in Coherency have a small chance of generating a Warp Charge.
  • Can store additional Warp Charges.

Empowered Psionics

  • Each kill has a chance of Empowering the next Blitz that you use, greatly enhancing it.
  • Using an Empowered Blitz restores Toughness to you and allies in Coherency.
  • Choose one:
    • Increased chance of gaining Empowered on kill.
    • Killing an Elite always Empowers your Blitz.
  • Can store additional stacks of Empowered.

Disrupt Destiny

  • Nearby enemies have a chance of becoming Marked every second.
  • Killing Marked enemies grants buffs to Toughness, movement, and critical/weak spot damage.
  • Killing Marked enemies has a chance to instantly remove some Peril.
  • Choose one:
    • Can gain more critical/weak spot damage stacks.
    • Bonuses from killing Marked enemies last twice as long.
  • Weak spot kills on Marked enemies grant three stacks instead of one.

Psyker Psykinetic Strategies And Tips

Warhammer 40,000: Darktide - Psyker Class Guide (6)

The Psyker's role on the team is to provide supporting fire to melee characters and deal heavy damage to Elite enemies. If there's no Marksman on the team, you'll also be calling plays since you'll have the best visibility over the battlefield.

You don't have as much Toughness recovery as the other classes, so it's important that you stay out of danger as much as possible. Luckily, Psykinetics are very good at staggering large groups, typically through Psykinetic's Wrath or Bio-Lightning, so if you're surrounded, let loose until reinforcements arrive.

As long as your team is protecting you effectively, your biggest threat is your own Peril meter. Conserve your power during horde battles, since the rest of the team is better-suited for handling groups than you are. When a larger enemy does appear, you'll be at full power and ready to smite them! Doing so will probably fill your Peril quickly, though, so if multiple Specialists or Elites show up at once, pick your target and let your team know.

Since reducing Peril takes a lot more time than reloading a weapon, it's very important that you tell your team when you're recharging.

Since the Psyker has longer cooldowns and a specialized role, you should take on the responsibility of resetting Data-Interrogators and using Auspex radar when the mission calls for it. Elites are rare during these sequences, so as long as you're protected by your teammates you should be able to quickly complete the objectives and get back to fighting with less Peril.

If you're surrounded and help isn't coming, feel free to unleash your full power and let your Peril meter max out - you'll go down, but you'll take your enemies with you!

Next: Warhammer 40,000: Darktide - Zealot Preacher Class Guide

Warhammer 40,000: Darktide - Psyker Class Guide (2025)


What are psykers good for in Darktide? ›

Like the Marksman, Psykers excel at range. Their ability to deal heavy damage to single targets make them perfect for quickly finishing off Elites, but their long charge times and need for cooldowns means that they require protection.

What is the best psyker feat in Darktide? ›

Best Aura Talent
Best ChoiceDescription
Seer's Presence+10% Cooldown Reduction on Abilities for the Psyker and Allies in Coherency.
Other OptionsDescription
PrescienceThe Psyker and Allies in Coherency gain a 4% Critical Hit Chance.
1 more row
Oct 9, 2023

What is the best class in Darktide? ›

As a Veteran in Warhammer 40K Darktide, you excel at long-range combat, capable of maintaining distance and effectively counter-sniping. Your versatility against ranged enemies and in close combat makes the Veteran a popular choice.

What is the best sword for psyker in Darktide? ›

Warhammer 40,000: Darktide

The Illisi Mark 5 is the best for Psyker. It kills everything and the special attack doesn't stun yourself like the other swords do.

Is psyker the best class? ›

Psyker is actually the best class in the game when played properly and probably the only class that can reliably true solo the hardest difficulties when played properly. Most classes can only cover so much when it comes to killing enemies, a psyker can cover everything while having great mobility.

What is the best psyker staff? ›

The Purgatus Staff is, for all intents and purposes, a Soulblaze flamethrower for Psykers. It excels in burning down hordes, and it's perfect for holding choke points. Unlike the Zealot's flamethrowers, Purgatus staves require no ammunition and can be used for as long as the Psyker can manage their Peril gauge.

What is the best gun type in Darktide? ›

Warhammer 40,000: Darktide - 10 Best Guns For Zealot
  • 7 Kantrael Mk X Heavy Laspistol. ...
  • 6 Kantrael MG XII Infantry Lasgun. ...
  • 5 Lawbringer Mk VI Combat Shotgun. ...
  • 4 Agripinaa Mk IX Headhunter Autogun. ...
  • 3 Columnus Mk V Infantry Autogun. ...
  • 2 Zarona Mk IIa Quickdraw Stub Revolver. ...
  • 1 Vraks Mk VII Headhunter Autogun.
Jan 25, 2024

What is the highest power rating in Darktide? ›

Max Rating

The max base stats of a Transcendent weapon rating is 380, the additional two tier 4 perks for 25 each and two tier 4 blessings with 60 each. The total max rating of a weapon is 550.

Who is the most powerful psyker in 40k? ›

On top of military feats such as uniting mankind under the heel of the Imperium, the Emperor of Mankind's psychic prowess is so incomprehensible that Chaos calls him the Anathema. Born as a reincarnation of the Earth's last shamans, the Emperor grew to become potentially the most powerful Psyker in the galaxy.

What is the best melee weapon for psyker darktide 2024? ›

The dueling sword is a great weapon for the psyker who wants to have little more close-combat abilities for when things get hectic. It's fast, precise, and deadly when used right. Aiming for heads or other weakpoints, you'll find it incredibly easy to dispatch enemies that get a little too close for comfort.

What is the psyker passive in Darktide? ›

In addition to the Coherency, the Psyker has two Passive Abilities named Warp Siphon and Battle Meditation that increase damage and reduce Peril respectfully. To include more detail, Warp Siphon gives players a stack of a resource, Warp Charges, when they eliminate an enemy with Brain Burst.

What are psykers capable of? ›

Psykers are individuals with psychic abilities; the capacity to manipulate the Warp by strength of will. This is the equivalent of magic in the Warhammer 40,000 universe. The possible effects are numerous: offensive or defensive "spells", prescience, mind control, summoning daemons from the Warp, and so on.

How do you use psychic abilities in Darktide? ›

The first method is used by holding down left click, which will highlight and lock on the target you are currently looking at. When the ability charges fully after 3 seconds, it will automatically release the charge and hit the target.

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